How does winter eye dry do? What food does winter eye dry eat
2021-08-03 23:18

For office workers, eyes are used every day. It is easy to cause dry eyes in dry winter. What should I do in winter? The following Xiaobian takes you to see what to do with dry eyes in winter? What food is good for dry eyes in winter?

6 recipes to moisturize eyes

1. Spinach eye protection soup

Efficacy: tonifying liver and blood, brightening eyes and moistening dryness. Regular eating can improve vision, and can treat night blindness and anemia in children. It has a good tonic effect.

Recipe: 60g pig liver or 2 pairs of native chicken liver, 130g spinach, a little salt and sesame oil, and 1L Qinggao soup. Therefore, 15g of paper, Gujing, Ganqi and Chuanxiong respectively. Wash the four traditional Chinese medicines, add water at 1000C. C., decoct for about 20 minutes, filter the residue and leave the soup for standby. Remove the fascia of pig liver, wash and cut into thin slices, wash and cut spinach into small sections for standby. Saute chopped green onion with a small amount of oil, add traditional Chinese medicine juice, pig liver and spinach, bring to a boil, add an appropriate amount of salt, stir up, and then add a little sesame oil.



2. Sesame walnut milk

It can nourish the liver and kidney, brighten the eyes and moisten dryness. It can be used for food therapy of myopia, dry eyes and dry stool.

Recipe: 50g black sesame, 50g walnut meat, a cup of milk (or soybean milk) and a spoonful of honey. Stir fry black sesame until fragrant, grind the powder, stir fry walnut meat slightly, mash it, and store it in a bottle. Take a spoonful each time, pour a cup of milk (or soybean milk), and mix it with a spoonful of honey.

3. Medlar leaf tea

Efficacy: when people are middle-aged or old, if they can drink medlar tea, they will have clear eyes, be resistant to aging and light body, and prolong life. Lycium barbarum tea also has the effects of calming the mind, nourishing blood, nourishing yin and Yang, benefiting intelligence, strengthening muscles and bones, moisturizing the skin, staying in the face and so on.

Recipe: 60 grams of Lycium barbarum leaves (120 grams of fresh products). Decoct medlar leaves instead of tea and drink from time to time. Lycium barbarum leaves are cool, sweet and bitter. They have the effects of reducing fire, brightening eyes, clearing heat and thirst, tonifying deficiency, benefiting essence, strengthening tendons and resisting aging. Lycium barbarum fruit can also be used instead.

Wolfberry fruit is scarlet and as bright as agate. As a traditional top-grade medicine for nourishing and brightening the eyes, it is deeply loved by Chinese people. Its flavor is beautiful and well-known. Those with dry eyes and weak waist and knees can often take 15 ~ 20 grams of medlar, fry and boil for a moment, and drink tea.



4. Walnut, jujube and wolfberry egg soup

Efficacy: it is beneficial to kidney, liver, blood and eyesight, and can improve the symptoms of myopia, decreased vision, dizziness, forgetfulness, weakness of waist and knee, etc.

Recipe: 300g walnut kernel (slightly fried and peeled), 250g red jujube (enucleated), 150g medlar and 2 eggs. Chop up the fresh pig liver, put it together with walnut kernel, red jujube and medlar in a porcelain basin, add a little water, stew in water for half an hour and set aside. Take 2 ~ 3 tablespoons a day, beat in two eggs, add sugar and steam into a soup.

5. Lily jujube porridge

10 grams of lily, 15 grams of yam, 20 grams of job's tears and 10 red dates (enucleated). Wash the above materials and cook porridge together.

Efficacy: Lily nourishing yin and reducing fire; Yam nourishes the kidney and lungs; Job's tears can relieve dampness, invigorate the spleen, clear away heat and expel pus; Jujube is known as natural vitamin pill. It is not only rich in vitamin C, but also contains a lot of vitamin A. This porridge not only has a good effect on preventing dry eyes, but also can be used to brighten the eyes.



6. Ju Qi tea

Add medlar to chrysanthemum tea and soak it.

Efficacy: it is recorded in compendium of Materia Medica that chrysanthemum "has sweet nature and cold taste, and has the effect of dispersing wind heat, calming liver and brightening eyes". Pharmacological analysis shows that chrysanthemum is rich in vitamin A, which is an important substance to maintain eye health. Chrysanthemum tea can make people's head and eyes bright. It has a good curative effect on the dryness of eyes caused by liver fire and eye transition.

It should be noted that chrysanthemums are cold in nature and weak in cold constitution. People who are afraid of cold and easy to get cold in hands and feet should not drink them often.

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