What are the types of autumn health tea
2021-08-03 19:01

It's time for the seasons to change. Summer has gone away and autumn is coming. In autumn, we should pay special attention to health preservation. Many tea drinks are more suitable for health preservation in autumn. So, what are the autumn health tea? Next, let's have a look.

1. Korean ginseng tea

Korean ginseng tea is made of Korean red ginseng and honey. Dry ginseng slices, brew in boiling water and add honey, which is beneficial to lung yin, clearing deficiency fire, generating saliva and relieving thirst; Wheat is taken once a day in the morning and evening in autumn, which can nourish yin, clear away heat, replenish qi, generate saliva, detoxify and fight cancer.

2. Ginseng tea

Ginseng tea is made from dried ginseng. The ginseng can be dried or dried, cut into thin slices, put into a thermos cup, brewed with boiling water, covered, stuffy for 15 minutes. Among them, shengshashen has the effects of Tonifying Qi and nourishing Yin, purging fire and removing annoyance, nourishing stomach and generating fluid. It can be taken once a day in autumn. It has the effects of greatly tonifying vitality, moistening lung and relieving cough, clearing heat and generating fluid. It is of great benefit to people who maintain health in autumn.

3. Yinju Baishao drink

Yinju white peony drink is made of honeysuckle, chrysanthemum and white peony, and some white sugar can be added appropriately. Wash all the raw materials, put them into a cup, pour them into boiling water to boil, cover and simmer for 10 minutes, filter out the residue, add an appropriate amount of white sugar, mix well, and then drink.

Honeysuckle and chrysanthemum can protect throat and relieve vocal cord fatigue; Radix Paeoniae Alba can clear liver fire, soothe spleen and lung and diuresis. Often drink this tea in autumn, which has the functions of clearing heat and detoxification, moistening lung and relieving cough, clearing liver and generating fluid.



4. Gold silver licorice tea

Gold silver licorice tea is made of honeysuckle, Dendrobium and licorice. Wash honeysuckle, Dendrobium and licorice first. Put all the raw materials into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, cook over medium heat, wait for the taste to seep out, filter out the residue, and then drink. Honeysuckle has the function of clearing heat and sterilization; Dendrobium can detoxify and produce saliva.

5. Soak Scutellaria in water

After autumn, influenza also entered a high incidence period. Usually drink Scutellaria in water, which can not only improve resistance, but also reduce influenza by 50%. Children can also drink it without side effects. Wind cold cough occurs frequently in autumn and is easy to repeat. Drinking Scutellaria baicalensis with honey every day can not only nourish yin, moisten lung, enhance lung function, but also improve resistance!

6. Soak jujube in water

Jujube is the first choice for tonic in autumn. It is not only rich in nutrition, but also has a very good effect of Tonifying Qi and blood. Cut red dates into pieces and drink in water, which is easier to be absorbed. In autumn, the spleen and stomach are weak and prone to diarrhea. Soaking in water with red jujube + Codonopsis pilosula every day can not only strengthen the spleen and stomach, but also enhance appetite and improve intestinal digestion.



7. Soak Schisandra chinensis in water

Improve people's mental Qi. Women can also reduce all kinds of gynecological inflammation. Schisandra chinensis also has a very magical effect. It can not only stop cough, but also treat chronic bronchitis and dissolve "thousand year old phlegm", especially tracheitis for many years.

8. Soak longan in water

After the weather turns cold, people with wet and cold constitution are prone to cold hands and feet. Two slices of longan and ginger, often soaked and drunk, can not only expel the moisture and cold, but also improve the ability to resist the cold.

9. Olive health tea

It is composed of large leaf species sun green Mao tea, Yunnan olive, Gynostemma pentaphyllum, Hangzhou chrysanthemum, etc. It has the effects of generating saliva and relieving thirst, clearing pharynx and throat, strengthening spleen and stomach, reducing blood lipid and strengthening body. Olive health tea soup is dark reddish brown, smooth in the mouth, obviously sweet in the back, and has a clear fragrance.

This article introduces some tea drinks for health preservation in autumn. I believe you have a general understanding after reading them. In addition, the article also talked about the various functions of different health tea, hoping to help you. You can pay more attention to this knowledge at ordinary times, pay attention to health preservation in autumn and keep healthy.

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