Steamed Bass
2024-09-03 09:59
The perch has high nutritional value and tastes very good. It is rich in nutrients and delicate in flesh. The steamed perch will not taste greasy, which has fewer fish bones and is easy to digest.
Perch contains protein, fat, carbohydrates and other nutrients, and also contains vitamin B2, niacin and trace amounts of vitamin B1, phosphorus, iron and other substances. It can nourish the liver and kidney, strengthen the spleen and stomach, reduce phlegm and cough, and has a good tonic effect on people with insufficient liver and kidney. It can also treat fetal restlessness and post-partum milk loss embolism.
Ingredients Consumption
bass 600 g
Cooking wine
Vegetable oil
soy sauce
Wash the bass cleanly, cut both sides of the seabass, slice the onion in half, shred in half, shred the ginger in half and slice in half, then dish up for later use
Staff the shallots and ginger slices into the perch belly
Spread cooking wine evenly on both sides and marinate for 10 minutes
Steam in hot water for 15 minutes
After steamed, change a clean plate, remove the shallots and ginger before adding new shallots and ginger shreds on the surface of the seabass, pour oil into the surface of the shreds and bass after it is heated
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