Ze Ze Chicken Claypot
2024-09-01 09:59
The ze ze chicken claypot is Guangdong's most farmhouse-style claypot dish, which is served directly in a claypot. At the moment when the lid is opened, the sound of "ze ze" is endless. It gives out intense aroma, and makes people itchy and impatient before starting to eat.
The chicken has the effects of warming spleen and stomach and invigorating vital energy, nourishing deficiency and filling the essence, strengthening the spleen and stomach, activating blood circulation, and strengthening the bones. It has a good therapeutic effect on malnutrition, weakness, chills and cold, fatigue and irregular menstruation. And it is rich in protein, which can enhance physical strength and strengthen the body.
Ingredients Consumption
Cooking wine
Chicken 500 g
Bone the chicken and cut into small pieces, put a piece of ginger, a spoonful of cooking wine, half a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of cornflour, mix well, then add an appropriate amount of peanut oil and mix well
Slice the ginger, peel the garlic, cut the shallots, and cut the shallots in half
Add ingredients to the claypot and saute
Add chicken thigh meat, stir-fry until it changes color
Add the mixed sauce and stir-fry evenly, pour a spoonful of cooking wine along the side of the pot. Simmer for 4 minutes on medium-low heat, add shallot shreds then serve
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