Autumn Health Soup Stewed pigeon with Tricholoma Matsutake
2024-05-17 10:00
Stewed squab with tricholoma matsutake, this recipe has the effect of tonifying yin and nourishing qi, which is a good recipe for conditioning. And it also has the functions of nourishing the heart and tranquilizing the nerves. This kind of recipe is suitable for many people, and it can also be used for beauty.
Tricholoma matsutake has the functions of strengthening essence, kidney, stomach, blood, brain, qi, lung and it can also protect radiation. Squab has the functions of tonifying kidney, qi, blood and nourishing the skin. Soup of stewed squab with tricholoma matsutake has the effects of nourishing the kidney and qi, strengthening the heart and blood, regulating qi and resolving phlegm, beautifying and nourishing the body. This recipe can nourish the liver and kidney. It's good for nourishing the kidney.
Ingredients Consumption
Cooking wine 5 ml
Ginger 10 g
Wolfberry 10 g
pigeon 450 g
Tricholoma matsutake 50 g
Soak tricholoma matsutake one hour in advance
Treatment of pigeon: clean the internal organs. Remove the squab\' s lungs, ass, neck skin and head. Clean the heart, liver and gizzard. Put them in the casserole, and cut the pigeon into 6-7 pieces.
Put pigeon in casserole, add cooking wine, scallion and ginger. Bring them into boil
Add Chinese wolfberry and tricholoma matsutake slices and cook for about 5 minutes.
Pour the water which is used to soak tricholoma matsutake into the casserole and simmer for about an hour
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