Women don't want to grow old in advance, they need to know how to maintain their ovaries
2019-10-20 09:10

Eat foods rich in vitamins and phytoestrogens

It's not just enough to eat, it's better to eat. In other articles, we have discussed the effect of carrot, anti-aging and anti-oxidation. It can be used again here. Often eat more natural carrots, spinach, strawberries and other vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin A, and a certain amount of food rich in vitamin E, such as almonds, walnuts. In addition, soybean milk, tofu, and other bean products are rich in phytoestrogens, which can be eaten more. It's also a natural way to maintain your ovaries.

Breastfeeding, avoid oral contraceptives

Mothers who are worried about breast sagging will choose to feed milk powder to their children instead of breastfeeding. In fact, the proportion of breast-feeding mothers who generally have ovarian cancer will be greatly reduced. Therefore, prolonging breastfeeding can protect the ovary to some extent. And baby can grow better. Why not? In addition, it's better not to take the pill, it will affect our hormone secretion.

Regular exercise and yoga

Avoid activities that are too laborious, but try walking on the way to work. Or take ten minutes to stand up and do some activities during the work time, instead of sitting long. In addition, yoga, a special way of exercise, can relieve body fatigue to a certain extent and make Qi and blood in the body unblocked. You can sign up for a yoga class to practice on weekends.

Smoking is harmful to ovaries, less smoking

Some women get into the bad habit of smoking because of their work pressure. They like to smoke like men at work, no matter at home. In fact, this is particularly damaging to the ovaries, serious or even early menopause, menopause and other symptoms. The body is the capital of revolution. Love yourself!

Be happy and learn to regulate your mood

Everyone has been angry and depressed, but women are more likely to hurt themselves and have depression. If you are in a bad mood, you can turn your attention or find someone to talk to to to relieve the pressure. Otherwise, for a long time, the health of the ovaries will be affected. We must keep our body and mind in a state of natural harmony.

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