Clear Away Heat—Soybean Bitter Gourd Soup
2024-07-21 09:58
Summer is approaching, and the human body is prone to some discomfort such as depression, general weakness, and skin rash. As a medicinal ingredient, bitter gourd not only has the effect of clearing away summer heat, pure in heart and eyesights, but also helps relieve fatigue and treating cripples.
The bitter gourd rib soup is bitter and sweet, and has the effects of clearing heat, improving eyesight and detoxifying. Pork ribs can nourish the spleen and stomach, and reasonable consumption of pork ribs can boost the function of the spleen and stomach.
Ingredients Consumption
Pig bone 500 g
bitter melon 200 g
Soya bean 200 g
Wash and soak the soybeans for half an hour; wash the bitter gourds and scoop them and cut them for later use.
Remove the pork bones from the boiling water and wash away the foam.
Take another pot, add pork bone, hot water, soy beans, cover with medium and low heat and simmer for 40 ~ 60 minutes.
Add bitter gourd, turn to low heat and simmer for 20 minutes, then season with salt. Huh! The bitter gourd soup to clear the heat is ready ~
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