Warm, Fresh and Sweet Taste in Winter Stewed turnip with Abalone Sauce
2024-05-23 09:59
In addition to stewing turnip, braised turnip or simmered turnip in soup-stock are also simple and common recipes. These recipes can also eliminate the "peculiar smell" that many people can't accept and make turnip sweet and delicious. Make sauce with stock, rock sugar, soy sauce and oyster sauce, or use the prepared abalone sauce, add the chicken oil, the turnip made in this way is a home-made dish that can't be tired of eating in this season.
turnips contain many micro-element that can induce human body to produce interferon. White turnips are rich in vitamin C, which is an antioxidant. And it can inhibit melanin synthesis, prevent fat oxidation and prevent fat deposition. turnips contain a lot of plant protein, vitamin C and folic acid, which can clean blood and skin after eating. At the same time, it can reduce cholesterol and maintain the elasticity of blood vessels.
Ingredients Consumption
Rock sugar 50 g
Starch appropriate amount
turnip 1000 g
Oyster sauce 15 ml
Put the chicken oil into the pot, heat it over medium heat, boil the oil for use
Cut the peeled turnips into 1 cm thick pieces and put them in the casserole; pour the soup-stock into the pot and submerge the turnips; add the chicken oil and stir slightly.
Use the high heat, add rock sugar when the water is boiling. Add some oyster sauce and soy sauce. Stir well. Simmer them over the low heat for half an hour until the turnips are jade and transparent
Dry the soup over high heat, add some water, thicken it with starch. Turn off the fire when the soup is thick
Sprinkle with Scallion after cooking. A tender and tasty stewed turnip with abalone sauce is ready
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